03 Denik - Electronics
Denik - Electronics
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Denik - Electronics
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Denik - Adminboard
A Page
Denik - Adminboard
A Page
Denik - Electronics
A Page
Denik - Electronics
A Page
Bootstrap 5
responsive Responsive

This website is a business website for a tech company, along with an admin panel. A business website generally serves as a space to provide general information about your company or a direct platform through which people can directly get all the information and contact you through an in-built contact page of the website. This helps a business connect with and provide information to a wide range of people. This website has a blue theme, and the logo of the business was also created by our team members. The design of this site was created using Figma.

The admin panel of this site has a facility to count the number of people who have visited the site. Moreover, in the admin panel, admins can check the time when each user visited along with its IP address, OS type, and device, i.e., mobile or computer. Through the admin panel, the admin can directly check the messages he got from people on the website's contact page. Adminpanel also has a facility for an in-built file manager to change the internal coding and files of the website without going into the main server or hosting provider.


Our Work

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Denik - Electronics
Denik - Electronics
This website is a business website for a tech company, along with a logo created by Expansers team. The admin panel has a facility to count visitors, check time, IP address, OS type, and device, and change internal coding and files without going into the main server or hosting provider.
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